Funakoshi was the founder of Shotokan karate, perhaps the most widely known style of karate and is attributed as being the “father of modern karate.” Following the teachings of Itosu, he was one of the Okinawan karate masters who introduced karate to the Japanese mainland in 1922. He taught karate at various Japanese universities and became honorary head of the Japan Karate Association upon its establishment in 1949. Funakoshi had trained in both of the popular styles of Okina-wan karate of the time: Shorei-ryu and Shorin-ryu. His legacy rests in a document containing his philosophies of karate training now referred to as the niju kun “twenty principles.” These rules are the premise of training for all Shotokan practitioners and are published in a work titled “The Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate.” Within this book, Funakoshi lays out 20 rules by which students of karate are urged to abide in an effort to “become better human beings.”